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Leveraged Trading

Top 10 Forex Trading Strategies for Beginners
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Forex trading, also known as foreign exchange trading, involves buying and selling currencies in the global marketplace. For beginners, navigating the forex market can seem daunting, but with the right strategies, you can start trading confidently and effectively. This article outlines the top 10 forex trading strategies that every beginner should consider.

Before ...

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Common Forex Trading Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
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Forex trading can be highly rewarding, but it also comes with its share of pitfalls, especially for beginners. Recognising and avoiding common mistakes can help traders protect their capital and improve their chances of success. This guide highlights some of the most common forex trading mistakes and how to avoid them.

Overtrading occurs when traders open too ...

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The Psychology of Forex Trading: Mastering Your Emotions
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Forex trading is not just about technical analysis and market trends; it's also heavily influenced by the trader's psychological state. Mastering your emotions is crucial for making rational decisions and achieving consistent success in the forex market. This article explores the importance of trading psychology and offers strategies to help you manage your emotions ...

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Leverage Trading: The Pros and Cons
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Leveraging is one of the most powerful tools traders and investors have in their toolbox to increase returns. But before we discuss what leveraged trading is, let me share a quote from Warren Buffett that is most likely familiar to many traders in the stock market: “When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results.”

The reason this quote ...

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How to Build a Diversified Portfolio with Leverage Trading
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In the investment world, leverage trading is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your portfolio's potential returns. However, it also comes with increased risks, making diversification essential to effectively manage and mitigate these risks. Here’s a comprehensive guide to building a diversified portfolio with leverage trading.

Leverage trading ...

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