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Talking Wealth Podcasts

Solving the Two Problems Faced by Traders
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In this week’s Talking Wealth podcast, Dale discusses the two challenges that every trader must experience and solve in their journey to becoming successful. No matter what you trade, you will always experience hurdles along the way but if you fail to solve these two major challenges the hurdles become bigger and harder to overcome. 

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Should You Combine Multiple Trading Strategies?
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In this week's Talking Wealth podcast, Fil explores the concept of simultaneously implementing multiple trading strategies, together with the pros and cons. He also discusses how it ties in with the idea of diversification and which markets it is best suited to. 

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Busting Popular Money Myths that are Keeping you Broke
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In this week’s Talking Wealth podcast, Dale discusses the popular money myths he often hears that are holding many back from achieving their financial goals. With so many influences effecting our decisions, it pays to get the good stuff from the horse’s mouth and not the other end. That’s why, I always encourage people to learn from those who know about money rather than ...

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How to Build a Six-Figure Portfolio of Stocks
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In this week’s Talking Wealth podcast, Janine shares how to build a 6-figure portfolio with just $10,000 dollars and knowledge and understanding of the market. She demonstrates how the key to accelerating the growth of your portfolio is knowing how quickly a stock will rise from its lows, and she uses BHP’s price history as an example. 

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You Don’t Have to be Smart to Become Rich
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In this Week’s Talking Wealth podcast, Janine discusses a study that confirms you don’t need to be smart to be rich, but you do need the right information. She dives into why anyone can become wealthy if you set a goal and get creative. 

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Accelerate Your Wealth is an award winning book by Dale Gillham
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