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Investing & Wealth Creation

The Best Time to Invest in 40 Years
Image for the post titled as The Best Time to Invest in 40 Years

Any study of human psychology and investing always reveals how investor sentiment is heightened at the end of a bull or bear market. These studies also highlight that most investors tend to enter the market near the top and exit near the bottom. Despite the market recovering somewhat from the GFC low, it is far from its all-time high, so is now the best time to invest in 40 ...

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Swing Trading Strategies That Deliver Results
Image for the post titled as Swing Trading Strategies That Deliver Results

When trading the stock market, the most important priority for traders is entering or exiting a trade at the earliest possible time and at the lowest possible risk. This means buying a stock when it indicates with the highest probability that it will move up in a continued uptrend or selling when it indicates it will fall away in a continued downtrend. While this is great in theory, how ...

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The Importance of Risk Management in Forex Trading
Image for the post titled as The Importance of Risk Management in Forex Trading

Forex trading offers significant opportunities for profit, but it also comes with substantial risks. Effective risk management is crucial for long-term success in the forex market. This guide will explain the importance of risk management and provide strategies to help you protect your investments.

Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and ...

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Learn How to Trade Stocks / Shares
Image for the post titled as Learn How to Trade Stocks / Shares

Learning how to trade stocks can be a great way to build your personal wealth but only if you know what you’re doing.

A wise person once told me that investing without knowledge is gambling. At the time I tended to agree, but it wasn't until I started learning how to trade shares that I really understood the essence of this message.

The truth of the matter ...

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The Laws of Wealth Creation
Image for the post titled as The Laws of Wealth Creation

Financial independence or creating wealth is a goal many strive to achieve. However, only a few accomplish this due to a lack of knowledge about wealth creation, while for others, it's often due to a lack of confidence in creating wealth. But this needn't be the case.

No doubt, many of you would agree that a successful strategy for creating wealth is to cut your losses ...

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