Continuous Disclosure

In June 2009, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) released new disclosure guidelines for unlisted "disclosing" entities such as the Direct Equity Managed Account Service.

The guidelines allow the Wealth Within to meet its continuous disclosure obligations to you via our website rather than lodging the information with ASIC.

The reason for this is because website disclosure is now, generally considered, the most effective means of disclosing new material information to investors in a timely and efficient manner.

ASIC helpfully provides some examples in RG 198 of the type of "material information" that entities should consider disclosing on their website, including things such as:

Wealth Within is committed to ensuring that:

Investors will be notified by email when material information is disclosed on our website regarding the Direct Equity Managed Account Service Scheme.

If you have any questions, please contact Wealth Within Limited by phoning 1300 858 272 or Melbourne direct on (03) 9290 9999.

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