How High Will the US Stock Rise Before it Crashes?

By Dale Gillham and Janine Cox |

At times, the US and Australian stock markets move together, while at other times history shows that they diverge. While the COVID-19 pandemic slowed the rise of equities markets, as trillions was lost on exchanges around the world, the S&P 500 continued to lead global markets to reach new all-time highs.

Opinion is divided as to whether the US stock market is currently trading at its peak or whether the tech sector will continue to drive the S&P500 higher and the Dow Jones to 40,000 points. By comparison, the All Ordinaries Index is still trading just below its pre-COVID-19 high, which indicates further potential gains are likely in the coming years.

In tonight’s Australian Stock Market Show, Dale and Janine will explore both the US and Australian stock markets and consider the impact that the tech, mining and financial sectors is having on these markets. They will also delve into whether the markets are overvalued, and if we can expect a stock market crash in the near future or whether there is further upside in 2021 and, if this is the case, how high will these markets rise? 

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